Best of the Chippewa Valley

Reader Polls

The Best of the Chippewa Valley 2022

The Best of the Chippewa Valley 2023

The Best of the Chippewa Valley 2024

Best Gym

Discover fitness excellence in the Chippewa Valley with these top-rated gyms! 5th Row Lifting Company, well-known for its strength training expertise, provides a supportive environment for lifting enthusiasts of all ages and abilities. Eaum Yoga + Fitness offers a holistic approach, blending yoga and fitness into one space. The new biz also offers childcare and a boutique! Eau Claire Fitness, was ranked highly for yoga and cycling classes, water aerobics, and other fitness programs. As of Jan. 1, however, it’s now the Eau Claire South YMCA. These gyms redefine excellence and cater to diverse wellness preferences in the Chippewa Valley — your journey to a healthier lifestyle can start here! —Hannah Angell