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Uniting Bridges


Volume One

About The United Bridges Diversity Awards

These impactful awards were created in partnership with Uniting Bridges, a community action group led by Dr. Selika Ducksworth-Lawton, combining the forces of many local organizations advocating on behalf of underrepresented groups in the Chippewa Valley.

The program seeks innovators, creators, leaders, and persistent individuals who foster challenging conversations, create and push for initiatives to improve inclusivity in the Chippewa Valley, and tirelessly work to represent underrepresented communities and advocate for their voices to be heard.

Nominees should be actively involved in the fight for a fairer future, embody the work of justice, and spread kindness and inclusivity within the Chippewa Valley community. Their efforts may be seen, felt, or heard through their day-to-day work or through the large-scale impact they have on their community.


Pablo Group


Deborah Becker State Farm Insurance City of Eau Claire Eau Claire County

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