Meet the Best Real Estate

Meet the Best - Lydia's Interiors

Voted #1 Best Interior Design Service in Volume One's 2021 Best of the Chippewa Valley Reader Poll.

video by Joel Pearish |

Lydia’s Interiors has three goals: to be inspired, individual, and lasting.

This full-service design and furniture studio has consistently ranked as the best interior design service in the Chippewa Valley, and this year was voted #1 in the 2021 Best of the Chippewa Valley Reader Poll. With their quality home furnishings, timeless lighting, distinctive home decor, and hand-picked accessories, it’s no wonder why Chippewa Vallians ranked Lydia’s as the best.

Sarah Decker-Paul, owner of Lydia's Interiors
Sarah Decker-Paul, owner of Lydia's Interiors

“When you walk in your home, that’s your respite from the day,” said Sarah Decker-Paul, owner of Lydia’s Interiors since January 2020. “That’s your sanctuary – where you’re spending time with the people that you love the most. So when you walk in there, you need to feel good. You need to feel that it’s a reflection of you, a reflection of your family, a reflection of how you live.”

“That’s why it’s important to sit down with our customers and listen to them,” Decker-Paul continued, “and be that individual attention that they need, so we’re not just fitting them into this cookie-cutter little slot. So when the project is done and they open the door, they get that feeling that this is home. This isn’t a house. This is our home.” And “home”looks a little different for everyone. The friendly and outgoing staff of Lydia’s Interiors frequently see people with all kinds of different projects – from investing in a new couch to building a completely new home from scratch

Every exciting project begins with an initial consultation to go over blueprints, goals, style, and – most importantly – to get to know a client. “Once we get a feel for their style, then we’re going to start pulling things together for them,” Decker-Paul said. “Like different light options, different furniture options, different fabrics. It’s nice to look at a project comprehensively.”

But that doesn’t mean they overlook fine details. On the contrary, Lydia’s Interiors works with different companies around Eau Claire to provide high-quality flooring, window coverings, countertops, and more.

“We want to build lasting relationships with our clients,” Decker-Paul said. “It’s very easy to take the fads and the trends that are going on right now, and plunk someone into that. But if you actually sit down with that person and find out more about them, you can realize a design plan that is much more individual.”

And that individualized attention pays off, as the staff of Lydia’s makes the process painless and fun. “Our customers are so great because when they come in here, they come here for the experience,” she said. “And they come here because they know that they’re going to get treated well and they know that they’re going to have a great time. And, it all starts with a tight-knit team at Lydia’s Interiors. “I want (my staff) to come to work everyday and I want them to love it,” Decker-Paul said, “and I want them to feel inspired and have joy for their work. I think we should have fun.”