
Volume One's 2023 Year-In-Review Quiz

We crammed 365 days into 20 questions

V1 Staff |

We crammed 365 days into 20 questions.

Scientifically speaking, there’s nothing special about Jan. 1. Sure, our modern calendar marks the turn of a calendar year then, near — but not quite on — the winter solstice. But we could just as well have started or ended the year in March or July. This is all our way of saying that summing up the events of an arbitrary span of 12 months with a neat narrative is usually pretty hard.

Thus, the questions that follow don’t share a theme beyond “Hey, look at all the interesting stuff that happened in the Chippewa Valley this year!” Still, it WAS a pretty cool year, wasn’t it? Hopefully you were paying attention. If you were, the quiz should be a breeze.

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