Interviews People Holidays

Get to Know the Man Behind the Parade of Lights

Andrew ‘Mitch’ Mitchell of Eau Claire really, really loves Christmas lights

Barbara Arnold |

DECKING THOSE HALLS. Andrew “Mitch” Mitchell starts decorating the outside of his Eau Claire home long before Christmas each year. (Submitted photos)

For the past three years, the City of Eau Claire’s Recreation Division has coordinated the Chippewa Valley Parade of Lights. However, this year, a private citizen who is incredibly passionate about holiday lighting of homes has stepped up to run the Parade of Lights – the winners of which will be announced online on Dec. 21. (The deadline for the contest was recently extended to Sunday, Dec. 10.) This light lover’s name is Andrew “Mitch” Mitchell, and we chatted with him about his passion for illuminating the holiday season. 

Volume One: Mitch, how did you get chosen to run the Chippewa Valley Parade of Lights?

Mitch Mitchell: I have participated in and won a few categories in the Parade of Lights over the last few years, however, the biggest reward was just being able to share my display with so many people. I wanted to be able to do the same thing with my Halloween display but there was not really a place to do that, so I created one. I created a Facebook page called “Chippewa Valley Spooktacular Displays.” I organized a Halloween decorating contest and also created a map for myself and others to list and locate displays in the Chippewa Valley area.

Over the years, I have communicated with the organizers of the original Parade of Lights that I would be happy to help run it or contribute in any way I could. I really enjoy any opportunity I get to bring people together in the community and connect with people who share the same passions as I do. One of the representatives through the Parks and Rec that ran the previous Parade of Lights contest contacted me via email about taking over the Parade of Lights. I was very disappointed to hear they would no longer be running it but excited about the opportunity to take it over. 


The finished product, circa Christmas 2022.
The finished product, circa Christmas 2022.

Q: How did you get into decorating your home?

A: It started out as something my father and I did together when I was young. As I grew, so did my passion for decorating my home and sharing that with friends and family. When I got my own home it became somewhat of a competition between myself and a relative of mine who actually lives in Arizona and also goes all out for the holidays, and then it became more of a competition against myself and my decorations from last year – trying each year to outdo my previous displays and to go bigger and better every year.

Q: How did you find time to do the decorating, lights, sounds, cameras, and action? Is this your profession?

A: It’s sometimes difficult to find the time but to relieve some of that stress/pressure I start planning and prepping things literally months in advance. I start putting up my display earlier than most people, and although I get a little heckling here and there from people about how early I start decorating it’s really the only way to get it done to the extent that I do. I work a full-time job during the week as a sales consultant for a construction company, and I try to find an hour or two each night to work on my display. I’ve never really been good at sitting still so I don’t mind coming home and heading for the yard instead of the couch. My knowledge of sound and lighting has grown over the years in a number of ways. I work a part-time job providing wedding DJ services on the weekend. At one point in time, DJ-ing was a full-time gig for me and I did it four to six nights a week for many years. I learned a lot about sound and lighting through that job, but the majority of my decorating skills have come from trial and error and most importantly from other community members that I have spoken with to share ideas and from groups on social media of people that share a similar passion for decorating. 

Q: What is the plan for this year's 2023 Chippewa Valley Parade of Lights?

A: Details for this year’s event are available in a one-page info sheet which can be obtained by emailing


THE BIG GUY SAYS HI. Mitchell and a special visitor in his yard.
THE BIG GUY SAYS HI. Mitchell and a special visitor in his yard.

Q: Mitch, anything else you would like to add?

A: I love what I do and I love sharing it with other people! I have met so many great people in my neighborhood and in the community just by people stopping to look at our display or talk while I’m putting up or taking it down. From checking out other people’s displays or talking to people on Facebook pages in the area for decorations. I’m beyond honored not only to be a part of this over the past few years but now to be able to run it. I had short notice this year so my expectations unfortunately this year are not what I would like this to be or know it is capable of becoming but I’m excited to move forward and see where I can take this and to bring community members together. I also am building a parade float and participating in the Clearwater Christmas Parade, themed “Festival of Cartoons” on Friday, Dec. 1 to promote the Chippewa Valley Parade of Lights and encourage Eau Claire and Altoona residents to participate in this fun and inspiring event.

Learn more by joining the Chippewa Valley Parade of Lights group page on Facebook. Additional inquiries on the Chippewa Valley Parade of Lights can be sent to or call Andrew “Mitch” Mitchell at (608) 297-1191.